I agree with most of what you said. I think is inappropriate is the part where she blushes at the Duke when shirtless.
I want to think it was a way to give the viewers something to fawn over since he is supposed to be attractive, however, it was badly portrayed and translated poorly making it look like she's romanticly and most importantly, physically attracted to him.
She had stated that he's handsome at left it at that and that was okay, but yeah that scene was not in the right place.
I hope the writer leaves it at that, and not give them the development that seems inappropriate for their relationship father-daughter. (Also the jealous father troupe makes me uncomfortable personally)
┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍
I don’t see why people are complaining about the FL being a child and the ML also being a child most manhwas like this start out by the FL being recarnated as a child or they return to the point where they were a child and most of the ML’s develop feelings for the FL when they are children.
My main problem with this manhwa is them putting romantic undertones towards the FL and the duke, because the FL is a child and the duke is literally an adult. You guys can’t tell me it’s not weird that they mainly focused on the dukes and FL relationship instead of the FL and ML in the beginning also the scene where she is blushing at his chest? Like what I know the FL is an adult mentally but it’s still weird for me I liked when they focused more on the development between the FL and ML that was romantic instead of the duke and FL because that’s just weird and creepy in some scenes. (I might be overlooking this but it just seemed weird to me.)
Also the relationship between the FL and ML seemed more like a sibling one to me they could have probably taken a different approach to the development between feelings because the FL doesn’t really seem to have romantic feelings towards the ML and the feelings she has takes more of a big sister approach.
Also marriage at a young age was common around the timeframe this story revolves around so I don’t see it as weird since many manhwas have arranged marriages as children it was a common occurrence back then.
My final opinion about this is that they probably should have focused more on the FL and ML in the beginning since it just seems like they were focused on the duke and FL till like chapter 60 something like the purpose of the ML being there is so they have some type of development.