Funnily enough, more often than not, I actually enjoy second leads who threaten the relationship. Occasionally, I prefer them over the male lead but know that it’ll never happen, though most of the time I just like to entertain the thought for sh!ts and gigs.Junseok. That being said, Junseok is one second lead that I could. not. stand. Every time he said/did/thought something, I swear I rolled my eyes. It wasn’t as much angsty as it was frustrating to see the misunderstandings spiral. However, still a good read, in fact I read it all in one sitting so idk what that says about me lol
Funnily enough, more often than not, I actually enjoy second leads who threaten the relationship. Occasionally, I prefer them over the male lead but know that it’ll never happen, though most of the time I just like to entertain the thought for sh!ts and gigs.Junseok. That being said, Junseok is one second lead that I could. not. stand. Every time he said/did/thought something, I swear I rolled my eyes. It wasn’t as much angsty as it was frustrating to see the misunderstandings spiral. However, still a good read, in fact I read it all in one sitting so idk what that says about me lol