Im SO glad you said this. Herman is probably the most pathetic character here, I thought it was the witch at first but throughout the story we get to see her story and get a view of her character more deeply. She has all the reason to do she was doing but she also sane enough to listen to the princess side even when she considers her an enemy. But this guy is has nothing no goal other than fulfilling his love for the witch? I hate him T.T

It does not say it in the manga, but I got the vives that Herman was the reincarnation of the first king. I mean he mentions he was not sure why he wanted to follow her, and staff, yes, it might be just love.......but it made more sense regarding his actions to me if he was the reincarnation of the first king ( he himself does not know it ). His devotion towards her is to unormal, the way he was going to follow even if it meant his destruction and his family's. This is my opinion however, not sure if anyone else saw it like that

I thought about that too. Idk if there’s a novel but the webtoon doesn’t portray it well in ch.87. I just feel like there isn’t enough connection or underlying similarities with the first king imo and it felt like they were just trying hard to justify it. I think if he really was the reincarnation it would’ve been better and more interesting, kinda like him repaying for his sins and picking her in this life. Instead my head canon is that he was under the influence of magic for so long it started morphing his own feelings and views, kind of like Stockholm syndrome, because he was so easily able to throw away his humanity and commit a bunch of insane crimes, when we know the magic doesn’t really work on him anymore because he’s happy to do it for her.
If anything the only person I dislike is Herman. Why is he so pathetic that he would allow his family to go to ruins just so the witch would feel his love. They tried to make it sound beautiful and try to make us sympathise with him but I think it’s so hypocritical and gross.
He can look past the end of his family, manipulation, literal mass homicide. Like nothing holds any value besides showing his loyalty and love to the witch. He’s worse than the witch because at least she has a reason to do all of this.