those chapter are paid ... and their views got lower more and more over the year thus low paying views, fewer people paying for those chapters ... it really has low views on the chinese official app ...
those chapter are paid ... and their views got lower more and more over the year thus low paying views, fewer people paying for those chapters ... it really has low views on the chinese official app ... tiredrandom
Is so sad because international al fans would definitely support the official translations. :(
Is so sad because international al fans would definitely support the official translations. :( mochinoona
there is, the chapter here are from tapp Y actually .... but i don't know much revenue the english releases brings to the artists, if is enough for them consider continue making. the comic ... because i don't think saye comic is very popular / well known with english speaking readers :((
there is, the chapter here are from tapp Y actually .... but i don't know much revenue the english releases brings to the artists, if is enough for them consider continue making. the comic ... because i don't t... tiredrandom
Why does those black flag bl with r@pist gets highest views but THIS doesn't
Why does those black flag bl with r@pist gets highest views but THIS doesn't kuks
ughhh so truee ... i mean there are comics with gang grape and explicit violent graphic scenes and people will still buy it and those are always getting so many views, getting promoted in social media urghhhh people are getting so so desensitized to rape and those stories are getting more violent and explicit as well ... it's horrible
ughhh so truee ... i mean there are comics with gang grape and explicit violent graphic scenes and people will still buy it and those are always getting so many views, getting promoted in social media urghhhh p... tiredrandom
Ikr I just dont get appeal. It's gross and there is no love, just Stockholm syndrome
Why are people saying it’s cancelled??