I learned the hard way on how not to bring up your friend's ex(es) either in front of their new lover or even if the current lover is not present bcause my friend told me to die when i brought up her exes in a group chat (girls only) and i had a mental breakdown since I was alrdy under immense stress due to my paperworks. Edit: Obly I'm in the wrong like tf why did i worded such thing out openly it's so embarrassing! and yes we're still friends til today, this happened in 2017/2018
It's alright. Although telling u to die when you're under stress is bad it's not like they can be blamed. It's common and social sense guess u js forgot due to stress
It's alright. Although telling u to die when you're under stress is bad it's not like they can be blamed. It's common and social sense guess u js forgot due to stress Nish♡
Correct, now I'm just better than ever socially after being told to go and kill myself and we're still friends lmao and It's true that my younger self used to lacked some common sense
Omgosh I replied to someone telling me it's alright and how what happened knocked the common sense into me (Indeed it did!) and then edited the original comment for further clarification but now your's gone. Thank you dear stranger for the encouragement
Omgosh I replied to someone telling me it's alright and how what happened knocked the common sense into me (Indeed it did!) and then edited the original comment for further clarification but now your's gone. Th... wonders
Nah no problem fam atleast y'all are still friends and you're better at socialising :) that's all that matters
I learned the hard way on how not to bring up your friend's ex(es) either in front of their new lover or even if the current lover is not present bcause my friend told me to die when i brought up her exes in a group chat (girls only) and i had a mental breakdown since I was alrdy under immense stress due to my paperworks. Edit: Obly I'm in the wrong like tf why did i worded such thing out openly it's so embarrassing! and yes we're still friends til today, this happened in 2017/2018