a lot of you read with your eyes closed

keri February 22, 2025 10:45 pm

ik plenty of people are gonna get upset by this but idc because i’m tired of seeing these rapists as male leads and ill rant about it if i want to.

it took 64 chapters for you guys to realise that jaekyung is basically a rapist? from the start, hes been forcing and coercing kim dan, inviting other people to watch without dan’s consent, telling dan he can’t say no, having rough sex that dan doesn’t enjoy etc - the whole shebang
but everyone wants to run their mouth and say it’s a contract?? yeah fuck off with that bullshit, jaekyung will force dan to have sex with him, and also tell him he’s not allowed to say no or revoke consent in the middle of sex (consent that wasn’t even given, mind you) and people will say contract this, contract that. some readers are as brain dead like mingwa who’s writing this, truly

    That'sweird February 22, 2025 10:51 pm

    and why does it HAVE to be YOU who's reading a rapist own story?????? that's weird.... @_@

    Bunny February 22, 2025 11:22 pm

    Girl, no one is forcing you to be here