Its was mainly about Jo but it started happening on Ian birthday event and projects. Not necessarily Ian until the covers of volume 4-5 released a day or 2 after Ian birthday. Since Jo and Ian are in the same cover while tj is solo on the other cover and that's when some tj stans started to say Ian is damaged goods, that he's not deserving and toxic to tj. Basically putting Ian under the bus while defending tj. Saying Ian isn't the story etc. Then coming on mangago I see so many saying Jo deserves better (from both teams) but it like saying Ian doesn't deserve better and should stay in toxicity instead of getting better.
People still thinking Jo is boring because he's a whole green flag when Jo the only character that's unpredictable in the story while that coward tj is the most basic ass setup motherfucker in the story that he's very predictable, yet by according to yall, is moving on, when it's still by doing what he always does, choosing the gang over Ian (AGAIN). Nineteen (sixteen) years of the same setup that little bitch couldn't do real jack for Ian (except for one incident) . Yeah sure but Jo the boring one when he's the one risking his morals just for Ian sake because Ian had no one to actually protect him when the only one he did have sent him to prison to hold him down with money, not because Ian needed. Yes tj rat ass made Ian pay for protection in prison when tj should've done it with no consequences knowing Ian struggles. The only chemistry they had is sex and nothing more and relationships take more than just sexual connection.
Sorry for my language, I'm usually chill but I'm just sick of yall saying the same shit again and again when yall love characters like/similar to Jo in other series so??. The whole point of this story is change. Yall really think Jo gonna continue being goodie goodie teacher pet yall assume he is when we already saw that he can handle himself especially in unexpected situations, like tj stupid ass goons who tried him or when tj tried to pay him off with money. So if Jo does turn yellow or red he's still gonna prove that he's better than fuckface tj who only thought of greed and himself. At least if Jo turns red it be for Ian, which I'm fine with because why should Jo leave because he has it good but he knows deep down Ian deserves that good life too and why cant Ian have someone who has that good life try to protect him and show that everything can and will be okay WITHOUT TRYING TO OWE A DEBT.
The real slow burn and yearning is Jo and Ian, yall will deny it but yall prove they are a proper slow burn because yall constantly say they have no chemistry because its slow. That's how chemistry can work, slow and steady, of course with several bumps but the progress pay through the end.
Oh and fuck anyone who still claims Ian the only problem and keeps leading the male leads on. I just know you read on a surface level. Who you think gave Ian this internally trauma that still affects him in present time. Ian needs change and only one can proved that.