I know this is going the exact same path as Bj Alex: mc is broken hearted and cold towards...

Aerith February 22, 2025 6:41 pm

I know this is going the exact same path as Bj Alex: mc is broken hearted and cold towards the ml, then they fuck once bcs ml is desperate and after that mc just leaves the room asap making ml feel like trash. Alright. BUT! Jiwon was just a regular jerk, the way he mistreated dg is not even CLOOOOOSE to what jaekyung has done. I do think Jiwon's redemption arc were pretty okay since he changed drastically and felt truly guilty of his behavior, he became an amazing boyfriend, friend and human being over all, but Jaekyung... Man, I can't even imagine what way his redemption arc could go that would actually be fair to Kim Dan and make us satisfied at the same time.

    Woomb February 22, 2025 6:46 pm

    Plus let's face it Jiwon was a big time jerk but Donggyun almost messed up Jiwon's chanel coz he wasn't strong enough to have some self respect and leave him
    Unlike Dan who had a real goal for it DG just kept being used as a doormat coz he was fanboying over Jiwon

    Aerith February 22, 2025 7:05 pm
    Plus let's face it Jiwon was a big time jerk but Donggyun almost messed up Jiwon's chanel coz he wasn't strong enough to have some self respect and leave him Unlike Dan who had a real goal for it DG just kept b... Woomb

    That's so true! Jiwon was a jerk but dg wasn't perfect either, and they both recognized their flaws and worked it up together. Jiwon's redemption arc were proportional to their situation.
    Now, to make it even worse, at this point Jaekyung should be at least having some thoughts like questioning his feelings or at the very least not thinking/saying things like "that's right, I just wanna fuck you bcs you're good at sex" like COME OOOOON that's literally the same thoughts he had since chapter 1, it's like he hasn't made any progress in 64 chapters. All his surprised or angry expressions just screams he got his ego hurt and that's it. This is so frustrating...