In my opinion, It does not justify the mothers actions, the father was also in the same situation but that did not stop him from loving his daughter, plus the mother still had a duty of care towards her child regardless of how she feels towards her/ the lack of feelings she has, she’s her responsibility as an adult. She can still love her son but that should not be the reason to sell out her daughter and the man who went through the same situation as her, and just because maybe the dad would have done the same - does not make it right to do, plus the fact that she has a son she loves, should make her more sympathetic if you ask me (because if she really had a nice enough heart and was a little less selfish- she also would have also chose to run away, rather than to throw a child and her father into a pit.)
Picking her son over her daughter is not the main issue, the issue is selling them out/ throwing them under the bus for her own sake. It makes her a selfish woman who allows herself to sell out her own daughter and the man who suffered the same as her just so she can continue a happy life. A sad reality really, and if she feels bad for what’s she’s done, she needs to make amends, starting with a huge apology, not the father justifiying her actions in a way.

The father loving her has nothing to do with the mother having to feel the same. That’s like saying a woman having the child of her rapist needs to still love her child and the father. If anything I’d rather her have no sympathy than suddenly have sympathy despite not caring from the very beginning. Like everyone forgets she never cared in the beginning. Why would she suddenly start having feelings for a child she never raised? Not to mention, she doesn’t feel bad? That’s the whole point. What she did was out of her wanting her own son to survive. Why is everyone trying to force her into this character that should have been good when she never was? Plus she doesn’t have a duty of care cos she never wanted her. That’s like telling a father who gave away custody and all rights to be forced to pay child support until they’re 18 and feed and house them too. That doesn’t make sense.

Woah. Seriously I never said that selfish woman was good/ neither am I trying to force her into that characterisation, all I’m saying is, she had the kid, so she also has half the responsibility to the kid (regardless of her feelings), but yeah I do agree with you about if she gave up her rights then she doesn’t get to have a part in the kids life. So I guess we agree there.
Moving on from that - she then sells them out like the cheap woman she is - even if the kid wasn’t her daughter/ the man was unrelated to her, selling someone out for your own sake/ happiness is selfish and evil, especially if it puts the person at risk of death. Even if you claim she did it for her son, did she ask him, her son/ discuss with her husband if they even wanted her to do that, all in all she did it for herself. It’s not love when you choose to save your own child while killing another, that’s evil. (Saving an innocent while throwing the other for the sharks, it’s not love, it’s horrible and disgusting.) it’s like basically seeing 2 children drowning and their are sharks swimming, 1 is yours, the other is not, you then proceed to save your child, while chucking the other child to the sharks) - that is not love, that is pure evil/ selfish deranged twisted love, seeing this situation, not only people would see her as a monster but also her son. So her actions are definitely unjustified (and she is a heartless woman.)

Literally nobody reads properly. My post originally isn’t about the morality of the mum. You don’t need to debate to know what she picked was awful. It’s about the fact she literally had no choice. This isn’t a ‘oh but she did have a choice and she took the easy way out’. She literally took the only option that could save her and her family. This isn’t about whether she should’ve cared about a daughter she didn’t want. Like why are you bringing up love when this whole time I’ve been saying the mum DOESN’T love her. To her the MC is just a stranger. Y’all are thinking about it in the MC’s perspective like ‘boohoo my mum wanted me to die’ which is horrible yeah, but to the actual mum herself what she saw was just picking her son over a stranger.

Nah she did have a choice. She was the one who literally brought Lilith in the first timeline to the emperor serving her like a silver platter. She could have pretended to be ignorant or something like of MC's whereabouts in the first timeline but she's literally the one who serve her to the emperor in the silver platter once SHE DISCOVERED THAT LILITH IS A PRIMERA! she could have stayed silent or even told Enoch meticulously that Lilith is alive in the first timeline but noooo and not for the fact she watched ogmc being tortured and brainwashe din the first timeline like she's actually a primera herself, even more powerful than Enoch who is a Dos and could have teamed up with Oscar the mage towermaster to help Enoch. How could you justify her doing that?
It doesn't change the fact Lilith was still her blood. She could have showed her compassion but basing on the first timeline she's a deadbeat mother. Even the towermaster in the first timeline showed Lilith more compassion than her.

Also in the current timeline if it weren't for Lilith falsifying and manipulating the mother's memory she would have immediately serve her AGAIN to the emperor for being a primera. Like gurl you could have turned a blind eye and manipulate and tweak the scores a little. She was the one who tested the mc and MC even plead to just turn a blind eye but she wasn't deterred so the MC used some magic falsifying memories on her and made her score Octava or something.
And saying her own child is a stranger is wild af. Yes she didn't raised Lilith but she could have given her some teeny tiny bit of compassion or maybe treated her like a friend or at least help her. And really is it that worth it to do all that evil things just to be hated by your husband and son?
That's her ending. In the end her husband divorced her and her son left her. Yes, she had no choice because she didn't made another one and focused on the choices given to her. And no even if they are SWITCHED I FIRMLY BELIEVE Enoch wouldn't have let his other child be persecuted just like that even if he didn't raised them. He wouldn't have stand aside WATCHING a CHILD be TORTURED and would have done something or anything to be able to help. So no.

Another person who didn’t read. The emperor literally controls ability users and has the ability to mind control people. This is why Enoch tried so hard to not have the MC be involved in that life because he knew the consequences of going against the emperor. But he was favoured as the emperors dog which is why his punishment was so lenient. You don’t need to see it to read between the lines that the mum would literally suffer a worse fate. She literally had to choose between termination of her whole family or literally just Enoch going back to be a dog. Which one is objectively worse?
And I have to emphasise again, SHE DOESN’T CARE ABOUT THE MC. Once again my post isn’t a morality thing, I couldn’t care less whether she should’ve been good or bad. I’m just saying that she did what she had to do. I’m not tryna generate sympathy for her all I’m saying is she picked her son over someone who has no importance to her and she was right to pick her own survival.

She's under the tower's administration. The emperor could only manipulate those who are always near him which are his soldiers so that mind control wouldn't be able to affect her.
It still all ends up with morality. What kind of human has no morality? Ate you even human if you have no compassion? It just says she was never to be treated as a human in the first place since she had no morality or whatsoever.

Also to the fact that she was choosing the termination or Enoch being a dog, ACTUALLY SHE DIDN'T HAVE TO CHOOSE THAT! As I said she could have turned a blind eye and said Enoch didn't tell her anything and because she's under Tower's administration the emperor couldn't just touch her like that.
Back again, because the reason she threw Enoch under the bus is because she wanted to have her son exempted from the army. Yeah, all parents didn't want their children be a soldier but the emperor didn't even made the first move, she did. Just for her son, so that place her as like close trustworthy to the emperor because she even threw her child for her another. I get that, but she wasn't held on hostage like have the emperor terminate her whole family in that situation, she's the one who proposed first. But I understand.
What I don't understand is why would she offer Lilith AGAIN. Both in the first and second timeline. She already have the trust of the emperor, so she could have done something to fake Lilith's score as a Primera and again if it weren't for the MC she would have been served again to the emperor so mother could earn more points from the emperor. That's what I don't understand.
She's under the Tower's administration, it may not give her full protection but there's somewhat a percent. That's why the MC considers to be under the Tower's administration because the Emperor couldn't touch freely the researchers and couldn't send them to the army. Actually she could have enlist her son as a researcher but I don't remember if it was required to have atleast one soldier in the family.
So I think she delusions herself that she's completely under the emperor's thumb. Which means she's a coward. I don't hate cowards, because I am one occasionally. But the fact you just stand there and do nothing,watching a child get tortured, giving up a child even not your own to a monster to be tortured is something I cannot fathom. Sure, she had a family, I understand that. But what I don't understand is why she didn't do something. At least something.
But no, all the time the one who took care of ogmc in the first timeline is only the towermaster. She didn't see mc as a daughter. Not even a child. She didn't even see her as a human. Just someone she could use to earn brownie points from the emperor for her to live freely.

When lilith first met her, she ask "are you my mommy? Are you brought me here to live together?" they thought lilith is Dos, so they check her ability. Turn out she's primera. Her mom collapsed and then made up her mind, she dragged lilith to the place where the emperor live. Lilith is a child but she sensed trouble and keep crying and asking not to be brought there. She wants her dad and kept crying. But the mother dragged her own daughter to the slaughter on her own. The worst part is she's aware of what emperor does to lilith all the first and second life and never step up for lilith even once.
Even Oscar is a better mother than her. Spoiler but Oscar did more than she could(I cried to the fact that Lilith in the end waited for Oscar to come back and pushed back her marriage just to wait for him and also the tension between Enoch and Oscar are so cute they're like a married couple)
Also when the emperor ordered her to massacre common people her husband and son convinced her not to do it and they'll just run away but you know what she did? SHE FOLLOWED through the order even though her own family didn't want her to. Is picking her luxury that worth it when all it did is have everybody else suffer? That's why her family is disgusted by her. She also had the sheer audacity to ask for MC's help when she got pregnant and the emperor wanted her son to go to the army( in the end throwing her daughter under the bus is all for nothing) but since the MC is kind she saved her second child from her second husband.
Also the fact that she literally told Lilith to not talk to her son and go near him, that makes me even more angry. I can't literally fathom how you could justify her actions when she's just a selfish woman.

Exactly my point. Not only that but they really had the gal to compare it with rapist vs victim situation when this story isnt like that at all. The mother and enoch made a choice, yes out of obligation but still a choice has been made. Just like how enoch runnaway with their child is also a choice. If the mother doesnt want to be a breeding machine then she can just run away or fight the emperor for all i care buy she didnt. She is a selfist himan and trash mother. Doesnt deserve to have a child

Also if you're still believing the brainwashing stuff the emperor as a primera cannot just brainwash people because if he uses his powers he ages rapidly that's why only those who are close to him he could brainwash and he did to enoch little by little so there's a very low chance the mother is acting on brainwashed.
Honestly, I get it. Had the roles been switched, Enoch would’ve done the same as well, let’s be fr. It’s not as easy as ‘oh but she definitely could’ve done something’. The point is that no she can’t, not even Enoch could’ve done anything that’s why he went exile and hid for 7 years and the only reason he didn’t face punishment was by the emperors grace and favouritism. Had it been anyone else, their bloodline would have been wiped or forced into some sort of servitude since the emperor can mind control.
Not to mention, the marriage and child was forced upon them. So while it’s sad that she picks and chooses, it makes sense she’d pick her son over the MC who she only had out of obligation. Like this is emphasised many times in the beginning. I don’t get why you would expect them to suddenly be a happy family.