u sound realllll stupid and hypocritical when u say that with so many toxic yaoi in ur lists and a display name with “hisoka” on it LMFAOOO u rlly think u r better than everyone sit down
u sound realllll stupid and hypocritical when u say that with so many toxic yaoi in ur lists and a display name with “hisoka” on it LMFAOOO u rlly think u r better than everyone sit down eeyuh
There’s a difference between reading and enjoying okay and the username is a joke and I am better than you. I don’t read a manga about a dude getting viciously raped and enjoy it try again
Oh okay! Then if your username is a joke then all of us reading this manhwa are also joking! Isn't it so cool that you being ironic about your pedophile character gives you impunity from being called out? What a magical world we live in!
There’s a difference between reading and enjoying okay and the username is a joke and I am better than you. I don’t read a manga about a dude getting viciously raped and enjoy it try again Hisoka’s waist trainer
ure so narcissistic u assume what goes inside everyones head to make urself feel better LMFAO no ure not better u fat fuck
Is there something your not telling the crowd. Don't go projecting onto us, whatever you got going on keep that to you and your pedo loving self... Lover2Manga
ure so narcissistic u assume what goes inside everyones head to make urself feel better LMFAO no ure not better u fat fuck eeyuh
I am better in every possible way. I don’t enjoy reading mangas about someone getting raped constantly. And how tf are you gonna call me a fat fuck knowing your mama can fit the one piece world in her stomach? We can go face for face body for body and I’m winning every time chuzz.
I hope all y’all who enjoy this get the same treatment by some dirty old man