To clarify, there’s a really popular yuri manga nicknamed “green yuri” because it’s black and white except the background and eyes and important scenes.
After that blew up, a few other mangas has been do it. It’s considered “partial-color” mangas. This is pink
To clarify, there’s a really popular yuri manga nicknamed “green yuri” because it’s black and white except the background and eyes and important scenes. After that blew up, a few other mangas has been ... AsianessPride
Oh I know green yuri, I read green yuri! It's just all yuri is peak yuri in my eyes
To clarify, there’s a really popular yuri manga nicknamed “green yuri” because it’s black and white except the background and eyes and important scenes. After that blew up, a few other mangas has been ... AsianessPride
What the fuck is pink yuri