It would have been a disaster if due to that misunderstanding, he somehow fell in love with someone else during those 4 long years. Then again, if he was the type to somehow lose his hearing temporarily due to shock and heartbreak, enough to misunderstand the main point, then I doubt he'll move on all that easily. Even at the point wherein he was angry and wanted to give up before being confronted with the truth, I doubt he'd be easily able to move on considering how he is. I mean, in spite of everything, he continued to love his Hyung. So it all worked out despite the mess at the beginning, thanks to their unwavering love and dedication to each other.
It would have been a disaster if due to that misunderstanding, he somehow fell in love with someone else during those 4 long years.
Then again, if he was the type to somehow lose his hearing temporarily due to shock and heartbreak, enough to misunderstand the main point, then I doubt he'll move on all that easily. Even at the point wherein he was angry and wanted to give up before being confronted with the truth, I doubt he'd be easily able to move on considering how he is. I mean, in spite of everything, he continued to love his Hyung.
So it all worked out despite the mess at the beginning, thanks to their unwavering love and dedication to each other.