Oke, it was PEAK!

Aliem February 21, 2025 5:15 pm

Actually I have a theory:

Now the story returns to its original form. Schumach has switched to the bad side. Etna was already a bad as* b*tch and our hero team (which is Lana and Kei) will switch to the good side. they are already strong enough to stop anything. And after that it will be happy ending right??

Still hate ogNigel thou, scared of anything such a stupid baby. I feel like everything happened because of him!

    Rinsama_ March 9, 2025 7:42 am

    Well, it wasn't exactly his fault tho.. you'd go insane if you live the same life a thousand times, plus it was mentioned that he only had eternity, but regressing time was Ignas' doing, so he had it twice as worse.

    Sakuraruu March 22, 2025 6:25 am

    I agree! The reason Etna became an incarnation was because of OG-Nigel.
    And if OG-Nigel did not run away from his own body, MC-Nigel would have not taken control of the body.
    And now, if the OG-Nigel have just stayed in his God prepared realm instead of descending to this world, the current Etna would have not tried to make chimera and etc.

    OG-Nigel is the root of all evil.
    And now he want to be the good guy by telling Kei to stop Etna?
    Hah! Such audacity!