I get you, but also, i gaslighted myself into making mine go away, it still peaks up sometimes on very rare occasion where people's living place disgust me, but overall, after years of "it's gonna be okay" it kinda went away.
So i can believe that by being with someone who you know cleans around and makes you really comfortable, the ocd could calm down significantly

i dont know what the original said, but it couldve been a mistranslation. what he probably meant is that most symptoms subsided. chronic mentall illness cannot be cured, but its symptoms can be treated in cases of complete absence of stress, etc. to the point some people can get their diagnosis revoked if they want, if theyve been stable for years.
"my ocd is almost gone these days" that's not how ocd works... This is a great story but I need korean authors to stop writing mental illnesses in their stories if they are NOT gonna do a little research about it