IJBOL THIS AUTHOR REALLY KNOWS HOW TO UP THE SILLIES WHEN IT COUNTS THE CHIBIS AND MC BECOMING AN OCTOPUS GETTING ALL THE GROCERIES also idk about yall but mean mugo is my horse in this race like dont get me wrong i love me a sir mugo and the other mugo but if the boundaries are weakening and only one will remain as the sole controller i want it to be mean mugo!!
IJBOL THIS AUTHOR REALLY KNOWS HOW TO UP THE SILLIES WHEN IT COUNTS THE CHIBIS AND MC BECOMING AN OCTOPUS GETTING ALL THE GROCERIES also idk about yall but mean mugo is my horse in this race like dont get me wrong i love me a sir mugo and the other mugo but if the boundaries are weakening and only one will remain as the sole controller i want it to be mean mugo!!