You’re joking. I genuinely wanna crash out why the fuck do they pick the worst stuff to license while I gotta read my favorite stuff illegally Read_lotm&orv, by seven seas Me_for_ president
Thanks for the reply. Not that I particularly care for roses & champagne, but hopefully it does well enough that it causes other webcomics to get physical releases. I would like to see more webcomics get physical releases. I’ve purchased a few but they are in languages I can’t read. :’(
Thanks for the reply. Not that I particularly care for roses & champagne, but hopefully it does well enough that it causes other webcomics to get physical releases. I would like to see more webcomics get ph... Nobody
Yeah, me too, even though I don’t like the story at all I hope that this will push other comics releases
Out of all the BL they could license in English they choose Roses and Champagne….