men always love to complain about their problems as if half, if not all, of them aren't literally THEIR FAULTS, and then they love to go around causing MORE problems for literally everyone else like oh my godddddd, istg they piss me off so bad
misandry runs in my blood im praying on every one of their downfalls loudly and proudly may each and every man be cursed to step on a lego every day till they die

I’ve seen this take a lot “men cause most of good” or “men invented everything” but after banning women from education, money, jobs and stealing inventions from women and claiming it as their own. Sure men did invent electricity and phones but they also cause war, genocides and take up most of violent crime especially against women. If we didn’t have men in our society, it would be a much better place. If it was the other way around men would just rape and murder each other like they do in prison.

men do a lot of bad, no doubt about that, but in addition to old and recent inventions, a lot of important social movements were started by men too.
and the men that commit heinous acts in prison are usually there for such reasons to begin with. youre assuming in a mans world all would act like that...on the basis of evil criminals? so do you just assume all men are evil criminals?
well damn, sorry for existing ig, i didnt choose my chromosomes
I do hate men I do generalize them. I do not give a fuck about their issues or the loneliness epidemic in fact, I hope they all die alone. Men will always act like women are sensitive and entitled, but yet they think we should agree with them even when they say misogynistic shit. I am a “stupid” feminist because can you tell me a country where men are not allowed to speak or vote? Can you tell me if there is ever even been a case about a woman raping and eating a lizard?