My girl Alphie doesn’t deserve this

Seraphim February 20, 2025 2:09 pm

Y’all don’t understand my girl Alphina AT ALL! She died 100 times she deserves some peace, you can still love people without wanting to be around them always. We all knew she was going to have to reveal herself sooner or later you guys don’t even know if she had a plan to see her family again later down the line. She was never able to survive past her execution date before, and I’m pretty sure every other plan she tried that didn’t work was the saint stalking her and killing her too. Cut her some fucking slack the poor girl didn’t plan any futures she needed literal fucking magic, telepathy and a magical cat butler familiar to change her fate. Even if she planned to stay away forever, everyone dies. The people who love her would just have to learn to live without her. (You guys act like you didn’t see the part where Aphina cried for her family and how much she will miss them, maybe she also thinks it’s better if she’s not by them causing trouble and thinks this is partially her fault) Everyone wants her to coddle the people around her bur what about Alphina who suffered the most???? SHE SAID IT HERSELF SHE’S A DIFFERENT PERSON AFTER 100 DEATHS!!!!! Wouldn’t you be too????

I love Alphie so much, she’s carefree, funny, compassionate and strong. She’s great female protagonist representation and if you agree yay!
If you don't like her, go away then more for me.
