Yeah, I actually wanted to point this out too. This is definitely trauma bounding, and you can see the dark look in Ilic's eyes. It doesn't show that he loves Sa-yan in a genuine romantic way, it shows a look of defeat and a look that shows he's clinging to him out of desperation rather than love. It's not affection—it:s survival. He's been broken down so much that he sees Sa-yan as his only anchor, even if that bond is built on fear, control, or dependency. That dark look isn't devotion; it’s the expression of someone who feels trapped but can't let go.

I honestly hated the way this ended. It's a tragic ending, not a good one at all, and people who see it as a happy ending are just delusional and weird to me. I really wanted to see him escape, to get out and find some sort of peace, but instead, it just felt like everything fell apart. I feel bad for Ilic.
He.. I.. he has officially given up.. No.. keep fighting Ilic. Like why.. this is trauma bonding... Well, with how the novel started it wasn't going to be love, I knew it already.. but it still doesn't sit well with me.. gonna go read something light I guess