the author lwk weird for making this ngl like what kind of kink does someone need to have to even make this☠ i didnt rlly read it just scanned thru it and there was no change in the plot at all it was basically the same thing over and over w the chapters and the little bit of family background. also imo it would be one thing if they were step siblings BUT THEYRE ACTUALLY RELATED. Ima js say this, if u deadass like reading shit like this ur weird asf
also theres literally rape in this and the brother seems to be okay with it which is hella weird man “oh but hes okay with it” DOESNT MEAN ITS OKAY THO??? like seriously get help
the author lwk weird for making this ngl like what kind of kink does someone need to have to even make this☠ i didnt rlly read it just scanned thru it and there was no change in the plot at all it was basically the same thing over and over w the chapters and the little bit of family background. also imo it would be one thing if they were step siblings BUT THEYRE ACTUALLY RELATED. Ima js say this, if u deadass like reading shit like this ur weird asf