Jammy February 19, 2025 9:07 pm

Okay, so I’m going to be way off writing this perfectly, but this is just my interpretation of how I see things playing out. This is my first time commenting here, and I have so much to say about her treatment of her disciples. I get that she didn’t raise two of them—only the green-haired one was technically raised or trained by her from a young age (he looks around Claude’s age in the picture, so it’s clear he was just a kid). I’m confused by how everyone is saying they hate or dislike them. Yes, they’re chaotic and all over the place, but must I remind you, FL took over them, so she trained them the way she saw fit. Only the girl disciple seems reasonable and understanding, but she was already an adult when FL met her. That’s why I feel bad in a way for the green-haired one.

they’re adults now and want her back, but they clearly don’t know what’s going on in the story since she never explained anything to them. From what I’ve read they never truly knew her or saw her real self. so WHY? are they obsessed with her we’ll never know we just know that she said her OBSESSED disciples were looking for her they went searching for her instead of moving on or going forward with their lives.

I’m especially confused by comments saying she didn’t owe them an explanation or at least a goodbye. Like, WHAT? Look where that got her now. It’s clear she wasn’t the best mentor, especially to the green-haired one—look how he turned out. But at the same time, I get why he’s so emotionally unstable. He was the only one she trained since a kid and it’s obvious that her influence (or lack thereof) deeply affected him. In chapter 47, she even admitted it was a mistake she needed to fix when she found about green hair being caught and seen as a suspicious person. which could get her in problems. or that he planted the stone in the room and it exploded. I mean, he doesn’t understand human emotions because he wasn’t raised like one or shown loving care like claude got. She messed up right there. And that being said yes your right, green-haired dude clearly needs to grow up. He’s not a kid anymore, yet he’s acting like one toward an actual kid to Claude. Like, DUDE, if you’re upset, take it out on your mentor, not the duke or the kid! She’s the one acting differently toward you guys, showing favoritism to Claude and the duke, not y’all. LOL

That said, she treated them completely differently compared to Claude and the duke. With them, she acted a whole 360, willing to do anything for them. Can you imagine how her disciples feel, finally seeing the real her and how happy she is with them—something she never showed to them? She could have at least left them a message or some kind of explanation for why she left. Instead, all she does is get mad at the green-haired one—which, don’t get me wrong, he deserved it. But he clearly needed an explanation and understanding, but the way she talked to him was frustrating. She could have taken the time to explain why she couldn’t go back to the tower instead of just scolding him.

SORRY FOR MY MESSY WRITING—I CAN’T REALLY EXPLAIN WELL. THERE’S A LOT I WOULD SAY, BUT I TRIED TO KEEP IT SOMEWHAT SHORT (which I didn’t, lol). I know there’s a person here who’s very emotional about this whole story. I was looking at their comments on some people’s posts defending FL, and I’m like, “My brother in Christ, not everyone agrees with FL’s ways!” We get what she’s trying to do, but her methods are clearly backfiring. Her own disciple is going to the dark side, sooo… welp, here we are. Thanks for taking the time to read this. I’m probably off with some things, but I still stand by my thoughts on FL’s ways for now. I might change my mind if she changes her approach. Thank you so much for reading this long-ass comment. LOL.

    aeriyya February 20, 2025 1:55 am

    Damn you got it all right!!