I feel like the author is trying to mislead us into thinking Leewon said he wants Ceaser dead, but instead it'll be someone like "Ceaser's cousin" or "Ceaser's father". I just feel like it being Ceaser would be too on the nose? Since they just talked about it in the car, if it were really him there'd be basically no need to hide what Leewon said... Those are my thoughts

I‘m guessing it’s because leonid won’t be able to kill leewon then. For leewon‘s wish to be fulfilled, he has to stay alive - long enough to be able to witness caesar‘s death.
And killing caesar is quite impossible ig, also he’s being protected by Dimitry, Leonids employer
It honestly doesn’t make much sense but it’s zig we are talking about haha
I'm confused. How is targeting Caesar going to save your own life?
Or maybe Leonid would be too preoccupied with this request so he wouldn't be able to kill Leewon???