
i know i am not saying he's bad, i like the second prince and in full board to have him with dahlia that's why, why my girl like this. I thought she's trying to date him too but she rejected strongly when meldon asked about her and the prince. that's make me have to rethink again what dahlia actually think about the prince.
i like dahlia but she kept leading the prince on.
and overall the harem happened too easily because of her power. now i know dahlia is really great.
but the best of her personality showcase was when she still tried to get close to hikan. the duality of her inmer monologue and her outwards appearance made her a deeper character. but now she's too much of a happy-go-lucky i cant really feel the tension despite the thickening plot. the scenario with blueport duchess were also great. the rest not so much. teaching the prince who is in love with you "about love" through book, what kind of daydream, and that's was just too convenient to make them interact with each other but again 'teaching love through book'?? it's like teaching about health without eating healthy food