I read the other story and .... I just don't understand people calling Minjae jealous of Jiwoo or saying he was ungrateful... like did we read the same story? Jiwoo's flashbacks show clearly how he was never clear/honest with Minjae about his feelings, and then one day he got tired and left (dating his brother was awesome? not really, but that's not a sin either).

There relationship was not perfect from the beginning so whatever Minjae did was not wrong whatsoever. But Minjae WAS jealous of Jinwoo. Its not explicitly stated. I don't remember if it is there in this story.... but in DYSLM, there was this scene where Jinwoo was ranting to Minwoo about that freckled specs bastard ( something along the lines of if you're not talented why do you blame me for it) and Minjae's reaction made it obvious that he felt kinda inferior cuz he related.
I haven't read the other story yet, just this one.
But why are people defending a rap*st? As if Minjae has been the one who has >actually< committed a crime??? I swear...