I'm thinking either blackout tattoos or he was one of the people that died and came back. gchtyu.iop
maybe blackout tattoos but i feel like it's something else since he like crawled out the ground but all the undead people have their faces like falling off
I think its those blackout tattoos, cuz his neck also got those stiches like tattoos mizu
black out tattoos would make sense for the location of the tattoos but i also get the feeling he's from another world since he crawled out of the ground and doesn't look like a zombie? but then he also has a korean name and can read korean
black out tattoos would make sense for the location of the tattoos but i also get the feeling he's from another world since he crawled out of the ground and doesn't look like a zombie? but then he also has a ko... Luckei
i just want to know why his arms are black but his fingernails and palms aren't, especially the fingernails