Okay, let's settle down

LunaJones February 18, 2025 4:47 am

Listen guys, Contra Points(youtuber) has a whole video that dives into the topic of women's interest in r*ape/sexual abuse. I suggest watching it. A small summary, this sort thing is the result of purity culture, it's how women can take part without the guilt, no woman actually enjoys r*pe. There's more but yall need to calm down. This is just fiction thankfully

    Me_for_ president February 18, 2025 4:06 pm

    I’m tired of this stupid argument. “It’s just fiction” You are engaging on reading about women brutally getting raped and tortured. You guys are giving me BL goer vibes like constantly justifying rape in the name of fiction also always pulling the misogyny card or purity culture card when someone calls you out on literally reading rape or having a rape fetish. Don’t act like this is a normal thing you need to get help.

    Me_for_ president February 18, 2025 4:10 pm

    You guys are romanticizing about someone getting raped people go through this in real life and some of you getting off to it or reading it is disgusting.

    LunaJones February 19, 2025 5:20 am
    You guys are romanticizing about someone getting raped people go through this in real life and some of you getting off to it or reading it is disgusting. Me_for_ president

    I get the concern, and I understand the disgust but you're getting worked up over nothing. It's not as if they're normalizing it or becoming numb to it. No one is going to read a real story about a woman and go "Wow, just like that novel" and these thing happening to people in real life is just a useless argument. Movie's, shows, books they all imitate life, and we're all going to enjoy things that are morally and ethically wrong. what you take from it is your responsibility. And no one is coming out of this like "It must be fun to be rape" and again no one would enjoy hearing about a real life abuse situation

    Me_for_ president February 19, 2025 5:28 am
    I get the concern, and I understand the disgust but you're getting worked up over nothing. It's not as if they're normalizing it or becoming numb to it. No one is going to read a real story about a woman and go... LunaJones

    Then why read it? Why are you engaging in content, that is normalizing and romanticizing about women getting raped and abused? There is certain things that you shouldn’t romanticize fiction. Would you be okay if someone was reading a lolicon or a shota about depicting and sexualizing children since it’s just fiction?

    lady eboshi March 1, 2025 9:41 pm
    Then why read it? Why are you engaging in content, that is normalizing and romanticizing about women getting raped and abused? There is certain things that you shouldn’t romanticize fiction. Would you be okay... Me_for_ president

    as someone who studies psychology, the consensus is that fantasy can be experienced in safe places

    Me_for_ president March 1, 2025 9:44 pm
    as someone who studies psychology, the consensus is that fantasy can be experienced in safe places lady eboshi

    Safe spaces is constantly consuming work about raping and abusing someone? Then they need to get help because that is not a normal safe space or coping mechanism. Can we not normalize rape kinks because that shit is not normal it’s disgusting.

    lady eboshi March 1, 2025 9:47 pm
    Safe spaces is constantly consuming work about raping and abusing someone? Then they need to get help because that is not a normal safe space or coping mechanism. Can we not normalize rape kinks because that sh... Me_for_ president

    why did you assume it's constantly? anything consumed too much will be bad, of course, but no one mentioned this. and yes, it is a normal defense mechanism. even in psychoanalysis, they gave it a name: sublimation. if you want to research more about kinks, there is the term CNC.

    Me_for_ president March 1, 2025 9:52 pm
    why did you assume it's constantly? anything consumed too much will be bad, of course, but no one mentioned this. and yes, it is a normal defense mechanism. even in psychoanalysis, they gave it a name: sublimat... lady eboshi

    I have done research. They say it’s common especially with abuse victims not that it’s normal. If you have a rape kink, especially if you’ve been abused, you need to get therapy cuz It’s not normal or healthy coping mechanism. I don’t know why you guys constantly defend media that romanticizes abuse and rape. It’s just an excuse at this point as well like there’s other stories that have abuse representation, but you rather read about someone constantly getting abused and ending up with their abuser it’s disgusting.

    lady eboshi March 1, 2025 10:01 pm
    I have done research. They say it’s common especially with abuse victims not that it’s normal. If you have a rape kink, especially if you’ve been abused, you need to get therapy cuz It’s not normal or ... Me_for_ president

    It is preferable for a person to have psychological support, of course, but I'm telling you, in psychology, a psychologist's stance will be to encourage the fantasy to be carried out in a safe space. with safe spaces means no suffering for the person or for others, is where there is consent. with reading and drawings it is possible to reach this space. I argue that art should have space for the escape of the mind, because it is an ethical and empathetic position. It is better for a person to read here than to practice in real life, in real life they have psychological support and can make better decisions for themselves.

    Me_for_ president March 1, 2025 10:11 pm
    It is preferable for a person to have psychological support, of course, but I'm telling you, in psychology, a psychologist's stance will be to encourage the fantasy to be carried out in a safe space. with safe ... lady eboshi

    I’m hoping you don’t have the same logic to shota or any art sexualizing children. Just because something’s fiction doesn’t make it right, especially if said work is romanticizing, rape, and abuse. I’m not saying we shouldn’t represent if you break victims or not mention it at all but if you’re just gonna completely romanticize it, it’s disgusting and I’m tired of victims being misrepresented and their trauma, being sexualized and romanticized in media.

    Me_for_ president March 1, 2025 10:11 pm
    I’m hoping you don’t have the same logic to shota or any art sexualizing children. Just because something’s fiction doesn’t make it right, especially if said work is romanticizing, rape, and abuse. I’... Me_for_ president

    * we shouldn’t represent abuse/rape victims, or mention them at all.

    lady eboshi March 1, 2025 10:24 pm
    I’m hoping you don’t have the same logic to shota or any art sexualizing children. Just because something’s fiction doesn’t make it right, especially if said work is romanticizing, rape, and abuse. I’... Me_for_ president

    I just empathize and listen to victims, not only on the internet but in real life. my studies also lead me to have this position. I know I'm not going to change your mind about this subject, but I would advise you to at least avoid words like "disgusting" and calling people that, because many people are victims who put themselves in the shoes of the vulnerable character of the media they are consuming. calling them names, putting them in a place of "less than" does not seem to come from a place of empathy, but rather of victim blaming; judgment of superior morality

    Me_for_ president March 1, 2025 10:40 pm
    I just empathize and listen to victims, not only on the internet but in real life. my studies also lead me to have this position. I know I'm not going to change your mind about this subject, but I would advise ... lady eboshi

    I understand your perspective and appreciate your empathy for victims. However, I want to clarify that I am not engaging in victim-blaming. My concern is about the normalization of this type of media and the potential harm it can cause. Consuming this type of media is not a healthy coping mechanism, and while some may believe it helps them process trauma, it can actually reinforce harmful patterns and desensitize individuals to real-world issues. Instead of justifying or normalizing it, people who deal with this should seek professional help. Healing should come from real support and healthy coping mechanisms not media that normalizes and romanticizes rape or fetishizes gay men. I do think it’s generally disgusting to romanticize rape or sexualizing children even if you have trauma.

    HamHam March 8, 2025 7:13 am
    I understand your perspective and appreciate your empathy for victims. However, I want to clarify that I am not engaging in victim-blaming. My concern is about the normalization of this type of media and the po... Me_for_ president

    Actually, and surprisingly, many psychologists don’t have issues with this type of coping. I remember a creator who wrote stores of SA and read them to their therapist. Please, abstain from calling rape victims disgusting. That is not helping anyone.

    Do you have issues with murder being depicted in shows, games, movies, etc? GTA romanticizes violence, murder, guns, and thievery. Is it right to call people who play that game disgusting? Once again, this is fiction. If this content is impacting you to the point where it’s affecting your real life perceptions, then DO NOT ENGAGE. There is no such thing as “normalizing” such disgusting acts irl unless you’re a child. Only children, who shouldn’t even be reading this in the first place, would do such a stupid thing.

    Me_for_ president March 8, 2025 3:02 pm
    Actually, and surprisingly, many psychologists don’t have issues with this type of coping. I remember a creator who wrote stores of SA and read them to their therapist. Please, abstain from calling rape victi... HamHam

    The day you guys stop comparing murder to rape and pedophilia is the day I die because there’s a clear moral gap. All I’m gonna say majority of people don’t think rape fetishes are normal. It’s not a normal thing. Of course therapist are not gonna say anything to you. They’re there to help you, but majority of people don’t think pedophiles, rapists and anyone who romanticize the idea of someone getting abused is disgusting and weird. If you tell a random person on the street I’m sure they will think you’re fucking weird. We shouldn’t romanticize this, and we shouldn’t normalize this type of content.

    HamHam March 9, 2025 1:58 am
    The day you guys stop comparing murder to rape and pedophilia is the day I die because there’s a clear moral gap. All I’m gonna say majority of people don’t think rape fetishes are normal. It’s not a no... Me_for_ president

    The reason we compare the two is to show that it’s obvious fictional stories aren’t going to normalize anything. Murder in video games does not normalize murder irl, and depictions of rape in fiction does not normalize rape irl. The real reason why therapists don’t say anything is because it genuinely helps people deal with their trauma. Why the hell should someone give up something that helps them cope just to please everyone else? Why should victims stop something that heals them just because people find it weird. Of course it’s weird, but it helps. No one is being hurt. A victim’s well being matters more than other people’s opinion.

    I totally respect your stance, don’t get me wrong, I just hope you’d understand the opposite side. You have every single right to find this topic revolting, that’s completely fair! My question is: if the people who are engaging with this type of media will NEVER normalize this or allow it to affect their reality, what exactly is the issue? I’ll tell you this, I’ve been engaging with extreme dark romances for a long time, not once has it made me normalize it in any way shape or form. Let’s say someone does end up normalizing it, then they shouldn’t be in any way exposed to this genre. Do you at least agree with that?

    Me_for_ president March 13, 2025 10:26 pm
    The reason we compare the two is to show that it’s obvious fictional stories aren’t going to normalize anything. Murder in video games does not normalize murder irl, and depictions of rape in fiction does n... HamHam

    Yeah, wtf man you should not be engaging in content if you’re romanticizing about someone getting raped. Honestly, I dare you guys to say this on forms and see how it goes I know a lot of people wouldn’t fucking agree with you.

    HamHam March 14, 2025 5:03 am
    Yeah, wtf man you should not be engaging in content if you’re romanticizing about someone getting raped. Honestly, I dare you guys to say this on forms and see how it goes I know a lot of people wouldn’t fu... Me_for_ president

    Obviously, no one should be engaging if they are romanticizing irl people! No one disagrees! Now, I dare you to enter any pro-shipping spaces. There is a subreddit for ao3 that will agree with every single thing I’m saying. And mind you, it has more than 200,000 followers. Just take a look at the proship vs antiship discourse. You’ll see what I’m talking about

    Me_for_ president March 14, 2025 5:32 am
    Obviously, no one should be engaging if they are romanticizing irl people! No one disagrees! Now, I dare you to enter any pro-shipping spaces. There is a subreddit for ao3 that will agree with every single thin... HamHam

    OK I want you to shout in public and say you like reading about women getting degraded raped and abused and gay men getting raped. They’re gonna think you’re a fucking weirdo they’re not gonna go. Oh, it’s just fiction you wanna know why because it’s normal.

    HamHam March 14, 2025 1:16 pm
    OK I want you to shout in public and say you like reading about women getting degraded raped and abused and gay men getting raped. They’re gonna think you’re a fucking weirdo they’re not gonna go. Oh, it�... Me_for_ president

    I’m confused, are you arguing with me now that people find this shit weird? Isn’t that common sense? Yeah, no shit Sherlock, it IS weird. Most people would be grossed out, as they should. I’m not arguing against that? I’m arguing against the fact that reading this shit will not be able to impact anyone, unless they’re a child or an adult that cannot handle seeing these topics. But these people shouldn’t even be reading this stuff in the first place.

    Dude, some of the stuff I see people ship I find utterly revolting, like incest. I’m disgusted by it, but I will never harass or send death threats to people who like it. It’s fictional, why would I care what kinda nasty they like even if it’s extremely gross to me? I just avoid it like a plague. You’d be surprised at the amount of people who share this sentiment