If you guys were in this situation, what kind of nickname would you use? I'm terrible at coming up with usernames or just naming things in general and I'd just take forever with that let alone customization of looks. By the time I'd pick a nickname it would probably already be taken.
Amazing. I love an unseriois name like that for such a hostile situation. Especially since everyone says eachothers nicknames like it's their actual names. I'm getting a good laugh out of people freaking out because 'Pink fluffy unicorn' killed somebody.
imagine if you have his personality and skills and whenever everyone see you they’ll be shaking in fear and then utter your name ‘omg pink fluffy unicorn is here im so scared’ i might burst out laughing and just be killed
honestly, it would just be related to whatever i’m obsessed with at the time of making the nickname loll. i always have some sort of hyper-fixation at any given time. but right now, it’ll prob just be Rakko bcs of a character that i like currently.
If you guys were in this situation, what kind of nickname would you use? I'm terrible at coming up with usernames or just naming things in general and I'd just take forever with that let alone customization of looks. By the time I'd pick a nickname it would probably already be taken.
What would you guys choose?