
you're like one of the few who actually did some critical thinking lmao; I don't agree with his ways of violence and i would appreciate if he would actually treat the tiny guy gentler but that man was literally raised to talk with his fist what can you expect? bro was literally saving a minor who kept getting raped by an old geezer and all you can complain is the lack of communication? he's literally keeping the guy's innocence intact.
I'm on ML side.
I don't know about Korea, but in America the justice system for SA people is s***. Also rumors can really affect people, it already showed that the uke is sensitive so imagine if he found that out at that young age. Especially since kids are extremely insensitive and selfish at young ages. They would definitely bully him for this, if it got out. That could destroy him mentally and even make him suicidal. People have literally went to drugs or alcohol or self-harm and worst case suicide when they are SA. The perpetrator would get a couple years at most if any at all, if my loved one had to live the rest of their life affected by this then perpetrator sure as hell should be affected in some way for the rest of their life too. If that means I got to break a couple bones to cripple them, then that's what's going to happen. If somebody ever did that to somebody I loved I would do the exact same thing and I would NOT tell the person because I wouldn't want them to live with that trauma ... I know as hell I wouldn't want to be told.