he took out bada's tape so that in the next round, bada will have his memories reset and turn back into an npc. hiding the tape is just to ensure he will definitely not have his memories in the next round.
but if they can find bada's hidden tape within this round and inject the tape back into the cassette tape, then the next round, bada will still have his memories.
and the reason glasses guy stabbed bada is that if he stabs him, bada will die of blood loss and that will ensure he will go to the next round without his memories (that's unless they can find bada's tape in time)

yeah, but if they don't inject bada's tape into the cassette tape again in this round, I think bada's tape will reset instead of storing his memories like how it is for other players.
so if someone injects bada's tape after it was reset into the cassette tape again, I think it's like a new game for bada and he just gains the consciousness of a player but not his memories.
but can someone pls tell me why glasses guy stabbed bada and what does hiding bada's tape gonna do???