Glad I looked at this, I’m mostly given up on this comment section. They are driving me nuts complaining about something that hasn’t happened over and over. The art is awesome. I love that we still don’t know the husband well.
I wish the Fl would stop harming herself but whatever works I guess. Backfired on her this time lol. It’s an interesting webtoon.

honestly, true. some people are kind of hypocrites in this comment section like, gurl, show me you ao3/wattpad, etc history. If its actually pure, then we gonna talk. They're acting like if they read this they are suddenly gonna fall in love w their father or something. I say, learn to separate fiction in the internet from your reality people.

They can't handle the truth about Kanna's stepfather and brothers starting to chase her in a romantic + obsessive way.... FINALLY, SOMEONE GETS ME. I need people to realize that reading some dark fiction or dead dove does not make you bad??? I mean, fiction does'nt reflects on reality, as for me tho. I agree with you; learn to separate fiction and reality. And maybe, touch some grass. :D

That's right. Sometimes we're in a headspace where we want dead dove do no eat's; sometimes, I'm not. And that's totes ok. But for me, I just really want to see the divorce then that's it. Even the monk guy is not worth it bcs Kanna is just circular in thinking most of the time that I have to draw a figural line in the sand bcs she ain't healthy for me.

Nah I get and of course you are free too. I just think it’s futile and I was joking around a bit because I thought your question and reaction with emojis was funny.
I want to find more people who discuss the story is all, more comments about what just happened in the update rather than something that hasn’t happened yet.

Anyway, you're allowed to point this out but not under my comments cuz people like you (fandom police slash people that using moral compass when reading fiction) always pissed me off. You're free to stand on your own opinion, but please not under my comments. Make your own space if you want to complaining about this and that. Peace out.

You do realize that is completely different from what they said?
The point is that there is nothing wrong with reading a story with dark themes. If you read a story where someone fcks their brother it doesn’t mean YOU will turn around and fck YOUR brother. What you do has nothing to do with what someone wrote in a story.
Now you are asking whether rape is ok to do in a story. Of course not, it’s a terrible thing to do BUT it is NOT terrible to read a story where that happens. The statement here isn’t that the character is doing/gonna do something terrible and that’s fine. It’s that reading said character doing that has zero ramifications on your actual life.
If you do something terrible because you read it in a story you are a bad person and an idiot, not because you read it but because you decide to copy it for some god forsaken reason.
The original commenter was half joking and said they have no desire to actually argue but I am.
It’s perfectly fine to not like reading it but it is ALSO fine to enjoy reading it.
To your question: no, you can’t justify it but you also don’t have to care if the whole thing is just a story. It literally does not actually matter.
That’s what it means to “separate fiction from reality “.

i totally love the answer you gave me ngl. and thank you for responding, i love this story, but i won’t lie that whole incest shit is really weird.
the reason why i dislike “separate fiction from reality” lines is because shit like this really does happen irl so it just leaves a bad taste on people’s tongue (mine included). it’s honestly just plain weird, and that’s why i can’t really understand how people are so okay with it cuz it’s fiction when it happens in our world as well.
of course im not forcing you to understand my side, and i totally get where you’re coming from too, but it really is just weird after all.
and i want to clarify something as well cuz i think that’s where i misunderstood. im not saying you reading it is what’s bad, i have read webtoons which are fucked up and contain fucked up scenes, what i am saying is bad it to justify the action being done and even praising it. since you cleared up that theres none of that going on in this thread, i will humbly apologize for misunderstanding

Ah ok. Makes sense, I was starting to get worried that people were legitimately thinking reading makes you a bad person.
Not liking it however is valid as hell. Justifying a odd/vile act is also weird to me. I find the stories interesting but I do avoid those with topics I hate ( like raising a child to marry lmao NEVER reading that one. It’s just a story but I know I wouldn’t enjoy reading it so skip )
My comment was more to the people who read stories with a dark theme and then complain about the dark theme is all. It’s valid to not like it but weird to have people constantly complaining about the one act rather than discuss the actual story.
You are all good friend.
All I can say is that humanity is curious and reading a made up story gives a look at all sorts of situations. Just try to keep in mind that it’s just a story, and I hope you are free to like or dislike it. Have a good day!!
I hate it when you guys always yapping about how u dislike every characters and the toxic relationship. Incest? So what???? Ever heard a fiction is just a fiction??? Why the heck u guys afraid of? If this manhwa isnt your cup of tea. Just stop reading! You guys pissed me off. I've been here since they only have chapter 1 and want to enjoy with someone who likes the story and art.
Also, for my fellows, i read a spoiler Kanna ended up with the father and all three brothers. IDK. Their relationship is complicated, but the main pairing was Kanna and her stepfather. (happy noises)