Yes , one thing i cant trust for my life is a man acting all oh i just wanna help you so ama do this for you're own good . Like i know he doesn't care beacuse 1 dela is dangerous and he s literally telling to spy on a mad dog , while barely providing any protection. And second he knows damn well the uke cant say no to dela for sex and he s like oh so you're a whore of that's it then just do it with me like he has a choice. Honestly i hate henry he's an opportunistic bitch .

Girl we know he bad but he doesn't have any ither option . So it's better to stick with the one that hives off the most safety. Obv if there was another truly good man on this we will root for him . But for now i d rather him stay with della and he's not ugly maybe thid is your first time reading thid author's yaoi but even keith says he's hot lol . And again henry the bitch knows della is a rabbid dog and if he finds out keith is spying on him he'll kill him but henry is acting all wrll if you do this for me i ll transfer you to a safer ward i ll do this i ll do that when he cannot stand up for della at all like he's throwing the kid in danger with no protection. So yeah i ll gladly chose the evil i know than the evil who's acting all heroic to use him.

read the entire conversation and started laughing omg. That person wasn't wrong though? You said that while the ML in Jinx was shit, "he had a facecard" as opposed to Della. This implies that although the ML in Jinx is an asshole, he is attractive which "makes up for it". However, I would highly disagree. Both ML of Jinx and Della are on the same level; their appearance shouldn't determine who you choose. They're not wrong with what they said in response to your reasoning.
hope this P.E.E. (which is known as analysis paragraph) is enough.
Henry is better than della, della is ugly asf even his name is chopped. They litch have no chemistry except in the sheets and even that’s not good enough.