Afterall the rumours MC heard, he didn't bother to believe those baseless gossips until proven. One night while drinking outside with his friends (went outside for a quick sober up and while waiting for the ML's message), he saw the guy whom the ML talking to on the previous chapters which when the MC asked him all about, he replied that he's "just someone I know". That guy randomly came to him and offered him cigarettes if ever he smokes to which the MC declined and confused. The guy asked him if he's dating the ML which the MC didn't confirm to him or anything but since the MC is easy to read base on his expression, the guy assume that they're dating afterall. That moment, the guy just revealed to him that he and ML slept together out of curiousity. This pains the MC and didn't know what to react. The guy also told the MC, if does ever the ML told him that he likes him? which made the MC more confused and about to question his relationship with the ML.
After that, the MC came home crying and overthinking because he look like a fool believing weather he's in a serious relationship or the ML is just having fun dating him. He also came to conclusion that whenever he asked the ML, the ML never gave him a straight or direct answers. Some of his questions also were also avoided by the ML which made him suspicious about it. He's confused also by the fact that nothing seems connecting about the treatment his getting and about the things he heard about the ML's past.

That's why in the latest chapters, the MC gathered all his confidence to call ML and talk about it. That's when he poured it all out to ML his feelings, his thoughts, his suspicions, his doubts about him and their relationship. Until he asked the ML if what's the reason why he's dating him. The ML replied that it's "fun dating" him. That triggers the MC to break the relationship off since all he got from ML were vague answers. MC told ML that he don't date for fun, so he claimed that they're were too different each other. He left after that. That made ML to wonder about his feelings towards MC.
That leads to the <last paragraph of my original post>....
I just read the raws.
Apparently, my assumptions were right afterall.
ML has a mental attitude of losing interest quickly. From learning to play different instruments as a "hobby" to anything sort of daily habits happening within his home. His parents raised him very well enough tho, has a good upbringing, comfy lifestyle but one thing is for sure, his mind just works differently. He has this attitude of being dense and insensitive that leads him to lose interest quickly specially to things that might repeat a lot over and over again. Even his favourites before became just a boring thing.
Fastforward....growing up....
He dated a lot in his teenage years but for him he don't understand what's a relationship was like. So, everytime a girl went to ask him, he always agreed to it but then again, everyone he dated dumped him afterwards because he don't exactly know what to feel and what to do. He don't even know what jealousy feels like and too naive that he easily believe into something that's just a gossip. The people he dated thought that he just agreed to date them because it was just "fun" or something like an "entertainment" for him only. Take note, he never dated a guy before.
Until one time, out of curiosity, a random guy came to him while drinking in a bar and asked him to have "fun" just because he told him that he likes him. That started his playboy tendencies. ML thought that its ok to have "fun" as long as he's single and when he is not dating around. He f*cked with men and women during those years until he met MC then the story goes on and on blah blah blah.... Apparently, he thought he deserve this kind of treatment since everyone never lasts in dating him. He's just hopeless thinking about it.
Now that MC suggested to break the relationship off, it came to him so hard why does it feels so different now that he's dating MC. ML never experienced it before and decided to run back to him, stopping and saying, " I'll give you some time if you need it. Think about it again and get back to me." But MC is very confused what to say but he agreed to think about it before leaving him.