My left tiddy is telling me that snakerape and charin are endgame just cuz of how beloved their ship is by the korean fandom and there’s no way charin and jin are endgame since the author confirmed in the author’s note that the main couple is gonna be between the main 4 (kimoto,jin,tehir,garon) and the tag used to explain the main bottom (handsome bottom) does NOT apply to charin since the author actually used a pretty bottom tag to describe him so yea!

Seaweed head is ending up DEAD(because season 2 is kind of indicating that)
I thought,the korean community hated him cause the tweets give a different impression.
They're a very good writer because their previous work was a breath of fresh air so if they ruin their work sticking to typical toxic writing,it would be a shame. Also,international community HATES Hyehan and the author also seems desperate to gather international attention.

I actually bought the first chapter cuz i couldnt wait and honestly i think neither charin nor snakerape are gonna make it cuz snakerape’s dumb ASS is trynna capture tehir to dissect him like MY BROTHER IN CHRIST 1(one) DARWIN ALMOST KILLED YOUR ASS AND HE WASNT EVEN USING 100% OF HIS POTENTIAL DO YOU REALLY THINK YOUR ASS CAN HANDLE FIGHTING 5 MOREAND for charin to be revived he needs tehir’s dna and shit and good luck opening the file with that cuz you need all of kindergarten classmate’s DNA codes
But yea i think either the author is gonna make them end up together or they’re both dying LMAO
Also not kimoto being oomfs with snakerape

Seaweed head is a child of lesbian wombs(he was created using two artificial wombs instead of a sperm) so he might be special enough to handle???
The plot indicates him being a high official so he might? Idk nevermind.
This shit got me stressing. I just want Charin to have a happy afterlife that's all :(
I still want to believe the author is not going to make them end up together cause I'm just delusional like that.

One of the funniest things the author said about him was that he’s only saying he’s straight cuz he wants to be special but in reality he’s gayer than anyone else LOL
HONESTLY i just want jin and tehir to end up together LMAO and they just make sense to me as a main couple especially with tehir having unrequited feelings for jin and shit

oh the author also said that while the main relantionships are around them four but also said it's not set if at the end of the story they will sill be together. So there may be a pairing that is together to the end and may be characters alone ... who knows
I just want Charin to rest in peace and not be ressurected to suffer all over again...
To everyone who ships Charin with that green haired bitch I hope you suffer a fate worst than Charin's. I just hope new Charin somehow remembers Jin and they live happily ever after..