It was okay but then elise had to hug a man when she’s engaged with the prince?? She gav...

polly February 16, 2025 12:07 pm

It was okay but then elise had to hug a man when she’s engaged with the prince?? She gave me the fucking ick and who the fuck does she think she is saying the prince should let the people who were the reason his mother and sister died, live?? Like are you fucking stupid? I know a goody shoes bitch when i see one

    polly February 16, 2025 12:09 pm

    Like bitch who’s side are u on ?????

    polly February 16, 2025 1:11 pm

    Elise never beating the micro cheating allegations

    karie March 12, 2025 8:21 am

    u seem to have a lot of anger in ur heart ...
    hugging a good friend does not mean or imply any kind of cheating. trust is important in relationships, and i would imagine elise and the prince have established that trust considering they went to war together....

    secondly, while revenge is great, it does not reverse time and bring the prince's mother and sister back to life. Revenge will just result in more chaos and unhappiness. also michael's mother, the one who killed the princes' mother and sister, is literally locked in a tower and isolated from everyone aside from michael. At that point, I think death would be kinder to her than the current life she lives. Also the revenge that would happen would not even actually make the people who killed the princes' family repent, it would just hurt Michael (the only person who cares for his mother) who had no choice or position in the murder of his half brother's family.