Exactly. Why encourage for people to accept that it's okay if their partner SA's them bc the partner is a "green flag"? It's majorly weird, while yes there are stories who have red flags, crimminals in them and is at higher advantage bc it already was popular when it first started, it doesn't mean this story is superior bc it has done something " less" bad than those stories.!! It's as bad as those stories red flag stories!!

I didn't even read this story anymore when I saw the comment section! It's like they're putting aside a major thing just bc it's an all cutesy story, this comment made me even more annoyed because why would we, as the people who can see the wrong in this validate the wrong in it it just because there are other stories that have alot bad things in them also??
It's like saying ("oh I have trauma" and another person says "oh I have deeper trauma so I'm more superior than you and I had it even more harder!") Even though they equally went through bad things?????
This deserves higher rating tbh its light and fluffy. The SA criticisms are valid but we have MLs who are literally red flags and criminals in other manhwas with higher ratings... feels like a double standard to me