Is it just me or time indication here in mangago is messed up??? I sometimes write in the ...

Hanako February 16, 2025 6:20 am

Is it just me or time indication here in mangago is messed up??? I sometimes write in the comment section but it will always indicate a different time (eg i posted this comment at 2:18, but the mangago time indicate it as 6;18 pm) 4 hours advance. I kinda felt like a time traveler somehow

    yaur February 16, 2025 6:21 am

    no dude this happens to me tooo i'm pretty sure it's because mangago uses a different time zone though i don't know which one it is

    clefty February 16, 2025 6:22 am

    Mangago works on UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) so the time will be different from your time zone. I think unless you're in Europe (which is the same time zone as UTC) the time will always be different.

    ❤Valentine_VampirE❤ February 16, 2025 6:28 am

    No, Mangago has always been like this. It uses a different time zone, it doesn’t use my time zone ether