Havent reread the novel ina while but ill try to give a summary of whats happened since the last update.
First lets do a rerun on characters!:
Sylvias mom: a princess from a neighboring country (revealed in the chapter where ilya finds a pixturebook in her dads room)
Scion: soleil’s friend who addresses ilya rudely and points put that ilya and soleil dont eat tgt/act like strangers. In another chapter he confronts ilya while shes eating alone and basically states that she shouldnt get in the way of soleils and sylvias love. He acts really suspicious and tells Ilya that he is from a neighboring country and in his country love marriages r better than political ones. THIS IS IMPORTANT!!
Edward(his name is revealed in the future): this is the red haired friend of Soleil. Hes the one who caught Ilya when she fell from the stairs. In the chapter where soleil has a dream of the 1st timeline, he is the guy who argued with Soleil abt how he was treating Ilya (locking her up and never visitibg). Ilya also remembers that while she was dying in jail, he visited and cried for her/said she shouldnt have never fallen in love.
- for context (wasnt very clear in the manga, but in the more recent chapters it gets mentioned (very confusingly)) : sylvias mom is the princess of the neighboring country. She ran off with the dad and gave birth before dying. Ilya’s mom was her maid and married the dad as a substitute (the princess couldnt bear the dad to marry someone else and thought it was better for him to marry someone she already trusted).
- in the same timeline as the newest ch, ilya realizes that sylvia is being targeted. All the deaths (starting from the first timeline) has been orchestrated by the same group of ppl. Ilya now knows sylvia is in danger
- ilya immediatley gets soleil and they look for sylvia. They hear her cry for help deep in the forest.
- it is revealed that scion is the mastermind. He is trying to kill Sylvia die to her being the only direct heir of the nighboring kingdom’s royal family. Scion wants to hide the fact that there is a direct descendant to avoid a power struggle in their kingdom.
- edward is also with scion. He has betrayed Soleil. Scion basically tells Soleil that if he had married Sylvia (thus changing herast name and removing the possibility of her inheriting the throne), he wouldnt have to kill her. WHICH EXPLAINS WHY HE WAS TELLING ILYA TO NOT GET IN THE WAY OF THEIR ROMANCE!!!
- there is basically a huge epic battle. Edward betrays Scion and fights for Soleil. Not rlly important but im mentioning it bcs i love Edward.
- Ilya sacrifices herself and prevents ilya from being stabbed. She dies in her place and tells all the others to run and get help before Scion’s backup arrives. Before soleil leaves her to die, she does what her mom did and lies abt not loving him so he doesnt feel guilt. Its super sad !!
-This is ilyas final death. She doesnt repeat a life again. BUT its not over. Remember how crow hasnt appeared in any recent timelines? Well he finally finds her in this final timeline, he shows up as shes dying and its super sad. They both beg each other to keep on living and its actually depressing
-she turns out to not be “dead” but not rlly “alive” either. Her and crow decide to travel tgt and js live happily.
-theres this huge sidetsory that reveals Crow’s backstory and perspective on Ilya’s timelines. They made me cry and its super tragic..
- essentially, though, After Crow and Ilyas huge fight (aka last time she saw him, the one where he asked what sin she had commited and she hangs herself), Crow got lost in the timelines/dimensions and couldnt find a world where Ilya lived in.
The most recent chapters in the novel are sidestorys from Marianne (ilyas friend)’s perspective. It also has Edward in it!! But basically they both express how Soleil is pitiful bcs he lost the one he had truly loved and doesnt even realize it.
Anyways! The novel baiscally is ending with ilya accepting her end and moving on with crow! Its a better ending than youd think and was rlly good. The novel is literally amazing and does a much better job at telling the sstory than the manga, so id recommend reading the novel as well.
Sorry this is so long, a lot happens.
can someone spoil