My notification just alerted me that I have 61 fucking noti! And I was like, 'What?! That's just not possible!', though I was secretly hoping it was. Imagine 61 of the manga you're reading being updated? That will take me long to read and I won't be worrying for any updates anytime soon. But yeah, as always it probably was just an error/glitch. No updates for me! Ugh. Anyone experienced the same just now?
Previously they deleted all notifications caused huge ruckus of many members being upset. So this time they made up, tried to make members happy. HA+ (≧∀≦)
Previously they deleted all notifications caused huge ruckus of many members being upset. So this time they made up, tried to make members happy. HA+ (≧∀≦) KyoZaNa✿
So, they are happy for all of 5 seconds, then the bitterness and loss sets in ....
Previously they deleted all notifications caused huge ruckus of many members being upset. So this time they made up, tried to make members happy. HA+ (≧∀≦) KyoZaNa✿
Yup.. Kill two birds with one stone..!! HA+ (≧∀≦) As they need to do some system-maintenance but we just got that tweet incident so they didn't want to freeze the system or do anything to make members feel more insecure or uneasy. ¯〵_(ツ)_/¯
My notification just alerted me that I have 61 fucking noti! And I was like, 'What?! That's just not possible!', though I was secretly hoping it was. Imagine 61 of the manga you're reading being updated? That will take me long to read and I won't be worrying for any updates anytime soon. But yeah, as always it probably was just an error/glitch. No updates for me! Ugh. Anyone experienced the same just now?