Also whys everyone annoyed with mc, like obviously his whole insane talk of wanting to own him ruin him etc is just talk, like it’s clear from the start that all he wants to do is have ml down from the pedestal and next to him, to not have that distance between them whether it came from other people’s bullyin and comparison of them, his own complex of feeling like ml is better than him and out of reach, or ml’s unwillingness to make a step towards him, all he ever wanted was that, being next to him, ‘
and if anything he’s a damn Angel that fell from the sky into ml’s life, bro just came in, tolerated how ml treated him at the start, put himself in danger when he’d be getting nothing out of it, and orchestrated an entire plan to get ml and the others out of this disaster just cause it broke his heart ot see ml wasn’t the bright confident star he used to chase, when Ml himself wasn’t able to do anything about the situation even tho he comes from a rich af family, he’s just head to toe dedicated to ml WHAT DID HE DO TO DESERVE HATE

IKRR!! but i think it was not so obvious to others that soohyun just wants to be with eunsung because he was acting obsessed and stalker like. Also i think soohyun himself didnt know at first that hes acting like that because he has feelings for eunsung, but later realized it. At first he want to bring eunsung down with him but it was all just because he want him for himself. It was kinda hard to understand so i guess i kinda understand why others dont get it. Afterall the title is checkmate its kinda one way or another meaning.

I think eusung acted that way at the beginning because you know he hates interviewers, so much that hell do everything to get them away from him. So i guess thats why he did that to soohyun. Its was a bad start for both of them. Eunsung also changed compared to highschool he experienced a lot of toxic from the old man so thats why hes behaviors like that so hes highschool self is different from himself now. Thats why soohyun would often say to eunsung to stop being so disgusting because hes kinda adapting the old man behaviors. But soohyun still just kept going at eunsung and provoking him so theyre both toxic. Its a toxic read so its not for everyone. Although the writing was a masterpiece i would say (both toxic person falling in love)

Yea I GUESS it’s stalker-like but like,,, he did absolutely nothing to ml even back in school and only quietly sat next to him and bought the stationary he has to match, after graduation he let go for ten years and only ran back into his life when he saw the news of the painting incident and realized ml’s life isn’t the perfect future he’d imagined him to have and felt compelled to go see the situation and then when he did he immediately jumped in to fix it no questions asked
And idk how others didn’t immediately get the hidden feelings and intentions behind the crazy talk cause every sentence was screaming “I love yo, I want what’s best for you, I want to be next to you” even if he himself didn’t yet realize ToT
And I get the ml being traumatized and being in fight or flight mode and being defensively aggressive after what he’s been through but like… going as far as to rape ml is a bit much… you’d think he’d realize how awful that is from being in the old man’s environment and wouldn’t turn around and do it to someone else himself, especially to mc, even if he’s a reporter and he’s wary of them it’s still mc that he recognizes, even if they didn’t talk back in school he saw him as an alright guy, and even the momentary panic he had about him when mc was copying his stuff and he saw some malice in it as if he’s tryna clone him in the end he came to the conclusion that it was just coincidence and moved on, even up till graduation he was wishing him well for getting a new start at a different uni so even if he’s a reporter how could he do that to himmm

My way of thinking, is the ml behavior in first chapter is the result of chain of coincidence
1. He meets his highschool mate who he knows obsessing to him and to make it worse, he’s a reporter now
2. Its obvious soohyun pissed off that eunsung didnt recognize him, soohyun also makes eunsung knows he wont leave him alone and will chasing him till the end
3. They later go to hotel since eunsung have appointment with heewon, compared to other pupil, he got the most worked up when meeting with heewon, chapter 40 support this presume
4. Eunsung might be in his lowest point at this time because he looks so tired when he prepared to meet soohyun
5. Eunsung thinking on how to get soohyun leave him for real this time, he might think that since ppl treat him like sh*t(ex: heewon), he can treat them like sh*t too. Grape soohyun is his solution since he will both scare soohyun and show him that the perfect Eunsung is gone and now he’s just a rapist
6. The situation is suporting so much. They’re in hotel, soohyun get caught trying to record, soohyun keep questioned eunsung sexuality, his role in bed and eunsung getting worked up because he meets heewon
Ofc, that scene might happen because the author just feels like it, opened the story with obsessed guy trying to play ml but get played instead is kind of smart way to hook up the readers if you think about it. We’re talking about BLs world rn after all.
It’s a heavy read considering the topic of the plot, so I was a ball of anxiety the entire time both about how ml was treating mc at the start, tho it gets better later on, and especially about the main plot and villain, even tho I know what mc would put himself into to get the evidence I was anxious af but when the scene came he was so fine and in control of the situation it played out well, I just wish the villain would’ve just died painfully in the fire not just go to jail I wish he’d rot in hell
But anyway what I really don’t get is why the hell ml treated mc that way at the start when he reveals he recognized him from the start, cause later on from his pov in school times he had literally no beef with him, even tho he stayed silent about it he didn’t want the school assholes bothering either of them, he didn’t have it in him to speak to mc but mc sat next to him 8n study hall always and whenever ml came late he started sitting next to mc on his own too, and on graduation he was glad for mc to be going to another uni for mc’s sake to be rid of being compared to him and be able to be his own person etc, and he even felt sorta sentimental about having mc be in the background of the graduation pic of him, and he also felt smth about hearing How mc almost cried on graduation, like he thought well of him and he felt some sort of connection to him, so WHY would he be such an asshole to him now that they met again, why the fuck did he literally rape him and shit I don’t get it,
I thought he was some sort of angry at mc like mc was some creepy obsessed stalker back in school but no turned out he wasn’t a stalker, they just had a mutual understanding to sit together and even mc buying the same pencil and eraser as ml, ml concluded it was just a coincidence cause he didn’t copy the cute keyring (to his knowledge back then) he literally had no beef with him so why was he taking it out on him now, it makes no damn sense to me especially when in the end it turns out he’s a big softie both in a relationship and to his dedication to help his friends and even his hopes of mc being well, I’m like ???/?????