Thank you so much.

Thanks it's so frustrated to see Lucaon avoiding Kyon and hurting him, at least he didn't reject him after the kiss :)

I feel you. It's just that Lucaon doesn't communicate with Kyon.. I'm sure his thoughts are in the right place but ffs at least make the other person aware of your intentions!! I'm not sure Lucaon understands that he can avoid Kyon getting hurt by starting to 'make love' to him. But our Lucaon hasn't grown enough as a character to get to that stage.. If only he knew that he's hurting Kyon by keeping that distance between them.. This trope is so common in BL but I'd never felt/understood it as much as this chapter. MasterGin is indeed a genius~
Just when their hearts were growing closer to each other too.. :'(

Thank you. I bought the chapter but I can't read Korean.

Hi, first of all thank you for the summary it was really nice to look at the raws and be able to tell what was going on with your summary XD
Also i shared your summary with other people and they really wanted to thank you i made sure to tell them it was not my summary but yours. But I really should have asked before I did that sorry about that.

An apology isn't necessary though it's very much appreciated :)
I cannot guarantee the summary being 100% spot on (I'm still a beginner) but it shouldn't be far from the mark either ;)
I was concerned that it wouldn't reach a large audience, since topics get sent to the bottom as others take their place; so share to your heart's content on here or other places. I don't mind in the least :3

Thank you so very much Master Green Emerald! Hugs and kisses

Thank you so much!! But I have one thing I noticed when Lucaon was supposed to touch Kyon's cheeks. If we look closely at his fingers, it was like he wanted to touch Kyon but hesitated at the end (that's why the closed fingers) and because of maybe shame and hurt, poor baby Kyon run out of the room. This chapter is seriously breaking my heart! T_T

I always wait for your summary of the Korean. Thank you so much!! Btw, don't you think Lucaon knows the first time Kyon stolen a kiss from him? Looks like he is very much awake. Bastard Lucaon, so coward!! Haha!

Yes, so many feelings that we haven't seen before were felt by both parties, Lucaon especially. I'm hoping they make up the next chapter. Guess we'll just have to wait~
I love reading other points of view, I thought Lucaon closed his hand after seeing Kyon draw away from him but it definitely would make sense that Kyon would leave for that reason & it is expected for Lucaon to hesitate since he's battling with the feelings Kyon provokes in him.Thank you so much for sharing~

You're so very welcome~ There's another individual who posts as anonymous & translates off of the Chinese version. I like to read theirs because it helps me understand more of what I may have missed :3
& Yes, I thought the same exact thing. So we're just going to pretend that we didn't see him up & awake just a panel ago? If it gets us that kiss I don't mind Lucaon acting like he's asleep but ffs you can't just open up your eyes in the very moment that Kyon is working up the courage to steal a kiss!!

May I ask what was Kyon doing with those suitcases ? ;O

Yes! Sorry for not explaining it. It seems Kyon hadn't completely moved his stuff into the mansion so that's what he was doing. Logan ran into him & misunderstood asking if Kyon had finally gotten fired & Kyon cleared it up for him. Logan said usually people run away from the mansion because it's difficult living there but Kyon was getting more comfortable~

You're most welcome & thank you for your question~
No reason to worry :3 You see, Kyon hadn't moved all of his stuff into the mansion when he started working there so that's what he was doing. Logan caught sight of the situation & asked Kyon if he finally gotten fired (how rude) & Kyon explained things properly. Logan then made a comment towards Kyon that usually servants run from that place but for Kyon it was the opposite.
Seeing as this is worrying several, I shouldn't have neglected it. My deepest apologies.
Can I just say?
How heartbreaking it was to read this chapter? Lucaon starts to avoid Kyon (Ryan warns Lucaon that if he (Lucaon) continues to interact with Kyon the way he is, Kyon will end up hurt.) So Lucaon, rather than explaining things to Kyon, cuts him off cold-turkey & starts to avoid him. He even has another servant take care of his quarters when Kyon was the one in charge before. Kyon tries to reach out to Lucaon and ask if he did anything to make him mad & Lucaon just dismisses the thought without a proper answer & asks Kyon to leave the office. Life in the mansion continues as it normally would, we follow Kyon as he goes about his daily duties, interacting with servants, reprimanding them where necessary, but it is left plain to see Lucaon's absence affect him.
Before reading the chapter I realized Kyon has never initiated a kiss (Lucaon hasn't either but he's the one that holds the reigns in their sexual relationship). Kyon bumps into Lucaon while he's carrying bed sheets into/out of the room, Kyon starts to apologize but notices Lucaon on the bed unbothered. Curious, since he has never seen a sleeping Lucaon, Kyon draws closer & our brave soul goes for a tender kiss.
We then follow Lucaon's version of that day, & I honestly felt bad for him on one occasion where we see the servants avoid any contact out of fear/intimidation. I realize Lucaon is alone in that mansion (minus the time he may spend with Ryan), & the feeling of emptiness dawns on me. We find that Lucaon is purposely avoiding Kyon when he spots him cleaning from a distance, turns his gaze & leaves the area, leaving a hurt & confused Kyon. No interaction. TT-TT
At the end of a busy day, Lucaon lays down on his bed & we catch up to the part where our brave Kyon goes for the kiss. Lucaon's eyes start to open, Kyon's already open eyes become larger in surprise. Lucaon starts to reach his hand to Kyon's cheek but Kyon draws away. There is no contact guys, not between hand to cheek or between lips TT-TT. Kyon is nervous/scared (he doesn't want the situation between them to get any worse), & he immediately leaves the room.
Lucaon is left staring at his bedroom ceiling.. & the chapter closes with his thinking, "I didn't tell you to leave"
So far the majority of what we've seen is Lucaon & Kyon interact with each other, to have a chapter such as this one where everything outside of their relationship is still a buzz inside of the mansion (interactions between servants, Ryan & Logan as jolly as ever) highlights the lack thereof between our star characters. Prepare a tissue for this one. I can only hope the next chapter proves to heal my broken heart & that of our beautiful pair.