
i've read it all but i don't know/can't remember if garon knew from the start about the poison or antidote, or if he learned along the way. nonetheless, yes fully knowingly later he kept having sex (but maybe someone can explain to you more precise as my goldfish brain is not computing). i think in one scene in the novel he was like "did you really think i didn't do my research" or smth along those lines.
and raon is gonna be fine, it's not their first fight and won't be the last; garon finding them is dramatic and intense and he's totally lost in his obsessed love already
Since I know the manhwa still has a long way to go and I am too lazy to read the novel, can someone please spoil me on what's gonna happen.
And I've read someone commented that Garon knows the antidote (how?) and did he intercoursed with the Imae fully knowing there's poison? (SPOIL ME ON THIS TOO)
What will happen to Raon when he finds them? Etc.
Just super curious I don't mind if you spoil me the whole thing!!! TYSM!! (⌒▽⌒)