True, true I guess it's just hard to grasp it's kinda like seeing someone take two kittens and suffocating them....actually no scratch that. It's like when someone goes and shoots up a school, people instantly think they aren't victims even though they could be. Anyways I've seen comments on this site but as on others about this manga so it's not just mangago that's like this.
I agree 99% on your comment by the way.

Finally someone who understands how to read a manga. If you don't like it, drop it. We don't all want to had you complain about what triggered you from the work. Especially in concerns with the rape culture complaints. It's apart of the story, so shut up suck it up and keep it pushing. It's starting to get on my nerves, all these complaints about abuse.
This is what I really hate about the Mangago community. When it comes to new/non-mainstream authors who make messed up stories, they become immature and accuse it of promoting that what was happening in the story was good. Heck, they don't even understand what the mangaka was trying to portray. Most of the time, stories like Camellia (and Camellia) are accused of 'romanticizing' the relationship, when it is CLEARLY implied in the story that it is very unhealthy. (So, stop accusing the fans of 'romanticizing' abuse! We hate it as much as you)
The community is quick to judge these types of stories. Remember the time KS came out? Yeah.
Harada and ogawa chise aren't the only ones who can write messed up stories. It's like you can't have a good psychological manga if it's not by ogawa or harada. News flash, there's more authors out there.
And for the ones complaining about it being messed up... How hard is it to understand that it's supposed to be messed up...?
And if you don't like it, but haven't read it, kindly shut up. Don't give an opinion on something you don't even know what is about.