I also ask AI's input about the meaning of the title (just maybe) and it says...
"When combined with "hounds," the phrase may evoke the idea of relentless pursuit or an inescapable chase, much like the hounds that could metaphorically "chase" Sisyphus in his futile endeavor. It suggests something that relentlessly pursues or torments someone, similar to the mythological torment Sisyphus endures. In literature or art, this could symbolize ongoing struggle or a challenge that is never truly overcome."
I'm kinda getting the gist of the plot but let's see where this would take me/us HAHAHAH
So upon reading the first 5 chapters I was actually curious of why it was given the title "The Hounds of Sisyphus" and as we all know (maybe not?) Sisyphus is part of the Greek Mythology.
According to Greek Myth., Sisyphus is condemned to roll a rock up to the top of a mountain, only to have the rock roll back down to the bottom every time he reaches the top. This is a punishment given to him for all his sins including killing those who goes to his city/territory (please correct me if I'm wrong)
This actually made me think that maybe Sisyphus is Guwon given the panel where he said he needs to keep an eye on the moon-looking-rock to make sure it does not roll in their town.
Also, I think the Hounds are his people.
I'm quite confused on the part about the hunting club but I think it does have something to do with the Hounds on the Title.
So yeah haha