yep thats not in the novel. the part where jun took yohans cap and used his own hoodie to makeshift a pillow for yohan also isnt there. im not sure if the artist wants to increase the amount of romantic interactions between the main couple. but tbh i wish it follows the novel. then again it could get better. ig i just want romance to be built up slowly instead of rushing into physical interactions. i rlly hope they raise the tension between the two first like in the novel

ohh i just read the latest chapter. only saw the raws at first so didnt know what was happening. the scene didnt happen in the novel but the dialogue did. i guess the artist improvised it. jun panicking abt his social standing instead of what yohan was doing actually follows the novel (from the raws i thought he was basically melting in yohans touch). theres this push and pull game between them in the novel thats so enjoyable and i rlly hope the artist makes it all even better
reading the novel and god the tension between the two is thick as hell. theyre both so manipulative and cunning its refreshing in a way. i also see the artist changed some scenes from the novel and made the tension more palpable but i think its ok if they didnt change it cos theyre gonna have the most toe curling chemistry which i think is bcos theyre both pretty sharp witted and sly. ofc this is all cos this just fits my type and this story wont be it for those who want that simple non exhausting kind of love cos this is gonna be lost in the cloud 2.0