found this story ages ago(2015-ish) and already thought at that time that this was good and fun since the story started off funny and the art is really good and it still is. Rereading it now i quite like the trajectory the story went to as well but idk i kinda wanted a bit more from the ending. ngl I also kinda want to track down physical copies of this because of the art hehehe too broke tho.
idk but i can also see this as a live action period drama
found this story ages ago(2015-ish) and already thought at that time that this was good and fun since the story started off funny and the art is really good and it still is. Rereading it now i quite like the trajectory the story went to as well but idk i kinda wanted a bit more from the ending. ngl I also kinda want to track down physical copies of this because of the art hehehe too broke tho.
idk but i can also see this as a live action period drama