i mean did i read right they raped him and he was mad at him that they rape...
F ALL THAT SHI ONLY TO ENDED UP LIKE THAT ಠ,_」ಠ btw bite this bite th...
Thats just bad plot idk
I be coming back to this just to look at panels of Dane he’s so sexy gray...
And it was nonsensical. Nothing about this story made any sense. You’re telling me that for 40+ chapters all you’re doing is lying then you get mad that the person you’ve been lying to believes your lies and acts accordingly? Keith was a bastard and Yeonwoo was manipulative. Wtf was that revenge? And don’t get me started on the divorce plot line. That was so idiotic I can’t even put it into words. I really hope Josh and Chases story is better because this was terrible.