BJ Alex parallels

UtaSan❤ February 13, 2025 5:25 pm

I think the development of Jaekyungs feelings are going to be much slower than Alexs. His internal monologue is still that if someone who doesn’t have a clue about what anything he’s feeling actually means. He’s not in denial, he’s literally unaware. There are parallels for sure. But it’s gona be a min before there’s a mental connection for Jaekyung. Alex had fallen in love before. He had something to compare these emotions to. I think Jaekyung is literally so emotionally inept that all he knows is this selfish behavior. I don’t say that to defend him or support this behavior. He’s obviously being an abusive dick. But I think she’s trying to show how emotionally inept he is. Society has taught men from a young age that emotion is weakness. ESP in older generations. I suspect extremely deep parental trauma. He obviously understands certain levels of caring, look how gently he treats Kim Dans grandmother. Perhaps he was raised by a grandparent. His back story will be interesting to see. I say all this to mean: people who hurt, hurt others. This is classic trauma and defensive mechanisms to prevent more harm. It’s not excusable. It just is what it is. Boy about to learnnnnnnn somethings thru his connection with Kim Dan. It’ll be interesting to see how it affects his other interpersonal relationships as well.

    DamnDanmei February 13, 2025 5:35 pm

    He’s still at precontemplation period

    UtaSan❤ February 13, 2025 5:49 pm

    Oooo look at you with the stages of change model! I like it! He’s almost to contemplation, as he’s recognized ok something is wrong. IE him not being able to have sex with others and his training and health not getting back on track. But he’s not committed to a plan of action yet as he hasn’t figured out ok what will fix this? When he said ‘I need to see Kim Dan with my own eyes’ I think that’s when he was entering contemplation stage. IMO.

    Pegginghill February 13, 2025 10:18 pm
    Oooo look at you with the stages of change model! I like it! He’s almost to contemplation, as he’s recognized ok something is wrong. IE him not being able to have sex with others and his training and health... UtaSan❤

    Agree with this, he was literally drinking himself asleep before he found out where KD was. He was searching for him day and night!