So true! I do like smut, but mostly when it feels earned. I mean, I like it better when the relationship and feelings are established and then they finally sleep together as a form of intimacy, rather than the generic "male lead is an asshole and they fuck for 90% of the story until they catch feelings". A bonus is when there is a proper plot apart from the relationship to look forward to, so that it's entertaining even if there's drama in the relationship and/or their relationship is only sex

I understood what you meant just fine, I was giving you practical advice on how to use the website to your benefit lol but just complain I guess…if you’re still curious, go to the three lines on the top right of the website, all genres, add romance but exclude mature stores and filter by popularity if you like. And tadah! No more smut
It's just that if you're going to read porn,, it feels lifeless. I want to feel emotions when reading, not getting erect and getting hit with post-mid nut clarity on jorking it to a fucking drawing.