It was mention in the novel and should be at some point in the manhwa adaption Spoiler,...........................................
.....,.,............................................................................................................................................Grayson has a dog, a rottweiler named Alex. When Chase went into rut the first time, Grayson panicked and even fetched his dog, but nothing happened in that direction. Then he most likely told him he had sex with his dog as a joke, but Chase thought it was true. Later he used it to get Chase to the pheromone parties, to get Chase release pheromones. It important for extreme alphas to do that or they can suffer brain damage.
We can't, he is Dane's. I know most love Dane and say he doesn't deserve that fate, but Dane is a difficult one too (him sleeping around is no joke, he is a red flag when it comes to releationships like Grayson), so fate aka the author wanted him with Grayson. I find Grayson acutally hilarious.^^ I'm not saying that about the damage he often does, if intentionally or unintentionally or carelessly, but him as a character is really something else.
If my brother said I fuck an animal I would crash out so hard even if I know it's not true. I fucking hate that kind of stuff. I hope Grayson get beat up regularly by his future husband Dane.