I had a conversation with a friend and I told them the embodiment of toxic masculinity in ...

Tima February 13, 2025 7:38 am

I had a conversation with a friend and I told them the embodiment of toxic masculinity in this series is Jooin and they were very confused but hear me out. Jooin for most of the series just moves like a real life straight man. He does this thing that straight guys do and it's to entertain, date and even marry women they don't like simply bcz they can't handle loneliness or deal with the feelings they have for someone they actually like.

I'll always hate how he used Cain simply bcz Cain was available to him. In his time with Cain he is the embodiment of mediocrity. He doesn't have to ever improve himself for him cz Cain will always remain and call him the sun. To Jooin Cain is manageable and very predictable just like how dogs are with their masters. Cats on the other hand theirs master can still get scratched. He likes and wants Yahwi but he hates that they are so different from each other. He hates that Yahwi can leave of his own volition and can bag a babe better than him. To me sometimes it felt like Jooin liked the addiction environment he had created with Yahwi because it was like a leash but you can't really leash cats cz they only stay when they want to. Before the timeskip Yahwi ends doing exactly that.

He'd be cold with Yahwi but the moment he even senses Yahwi wants out of the nonsense love triangle he guilts him with 'you never even liked me'. The hypocrisy of this shit when he was entertaining Cain and making out with him is so funny to me. Like let's be real who had more right to say that given that Jooin knowingly created a love triangle?This all leads to the slap incident. Yahwi wanted out and he tells Jooin to leave his house after their argument but Jooin escalated the situation when he literally came and rejected Yahwi. If he hated being with Yahwi so much why was he obsessed with Yahwi still wanting him when he had cain? Answer because he liked Yahwi and instead of trying to fix things like a normal person he let his pride get in the way. Even when Yahwi tells him to stop accusing him falsely he doesn't stop and then the slap happens. I have never thought the slap was abuse but retaliation. Ain't no way you'll talk shit in my space when I've told you to get out and warned you to shut up and not put words in my mouth. I don't condone slapping someone but I see where it came from. Once again it's Jooins hypocrisy the audacity to accuse Yahwi of using him for sex when they had only fucked countable times when he's the one with hickeys on his neck from someone else and also he's the one using Cain is ridiculous. Using someone for sex is what jaekyung does to Kim Dan.

I will always be team Cain and Yahwi spreading the gospel that Jooin was always the problem.

    Odyssey February 14, 2025 7:22 pm

    Preach girl preach The story’s beginning was good but it began spiraling out of control in the middle. Jooin just destroyed it for me smh

    mochidays March 12, 2025 5:58 am